Costa Rica 2016

Yearbook 2016

Costa Rica. The municipal elections on February 7 were a big disappointment for the government party PAC (Citizens’ Action). Although the PAC retained power in the municipalities where they won in 2010, they were only eight of the country’s total 81 municipalities, while the largest opposition party PLN (National Liberation Party) won in 47 municipalities. On the other hand, PLN only won in three of the country’s seven provincial capitals, where they have so far dominated in five. Above all, they failed to win in the capital San José, where former party member Johnny Araya, excluded from the party in 2014, won for his small local party the Party Alliance for San José. Overall, small local parties took major steps forward; in total they won 29% of the valid votes.

The current population of Costa Rica is 5,094,129. President Luís Guillermo Solís argued that the election result was not a reflection of public opinion about the government but warned that unless his proposal for tax reform went home with the opposition, the PAC could lose power in the next election and an opposition government would have to deal with a large budget deficit. The opposition dominated Congress and opposed tax reforms that are not accompanied by public sector remediation. Towards the end of the year, the government admittedly noted some success in reducing the budget deficit, which fell to 2.6% of GDP during the first half of the year. At the same time, economic growth for the year appeared to be high – 4.3% – which was above the average for the Central American countries.

Costa Rica Population 2016

According to thereligionfaqs, President Solí’s popularity dropped significantly during the year. In August it was reported that only 10% of voters thought he was doing a good job, the lowest figure for a sitting president so far.


During the nineties, the Costa Rica confirmed to be the Central American country most steadily and quickly moving towards the socio-economic levels characterizing developed countries. This trend is underlined by the particular trend of some indicators: illiteracy is just over 5 % and GDP per resident – 2640 US dollars in 1997 – together with that of Panama, is the highest in Central America.

Between 1984 and 1998 the Costa Rican population increased from 2. 416. 809 to 3. 841. 000 units, while in 1970 it was 1. 700. 000 residents, With rapid growth but tending to decline: in fact the average annual growth rate of 24 ‰ fell to 21 ‰, a value that according to forecasts will further decrease in the first decade of the 2000s. Birth and mortality rates also decreased over the same period, settling down (1996) the first at 23.3 ‰ and the second at 4 ‰; infant mortality declined, which according to 1996 estimates is around 12%.

The phenomenon of growing urbanization that started in the 1980s has not shown any subsidence: the urban population has now reached the threshold of 50 % with an average annual increase which in the first half of the decade was around 2, 2 %. The population is distributed throughout the country with an average density of 75 residents / km ², but this value grows considerably in Meseta Central and in particular in the province of San José (241 residents / km ²), which with 10 % of the entire territorial surface, hosts over 30% of the residents; there is the capital of the same name, which continues to be the greatest pole of attraction and demographic concentration: San José in 1970 was just over 200. 000 residents, While in 1997 it counted 329. 200 ; the entire metropolitan area of ​​the Costa Rican capital is now close to one million residents.